We welcome you to discover and experience 100% Organic Sattvik meals at our cafe that embrace the purity of ingredients, offering a culinary journey that nourishes both the body and soul. Nature humbles us. We believe that the real healing occurs when we reconnect with nature and root ourselves back to our origins and accept the bounty of nature in its purest form.


Our Sattvik meals are 100% organic and made with utmost purity and love in our kitchen. Prepared without meat, onions, or garlic, these vegetarian dishes exemplify the Ayurvedic principle that food is medicine.


The soothing energy of sattvik foods calms the emotions and clears the mind, promoting a sense of harmony and wholeness. Slow, conscious eating further connects us to the sacred act of nourishing ourselves.


As we chew each bite, we may reflect on the interconnectedness of all life that allows this meal to grace our table. In this way, humble sattvik cooking leads us on a profound journey towards health, tranquility, and inner healing.


The simple, age-old technique of grinding herbs and spices on the grinding stone keeps things pure and takes care of each ingredient. It’s a simple, timeless way that brings out the best in flavors. This old-fashioned method is like a celebration of the real taste of food, keeping everything natural and simple.


This isn’t just cooking; it’s a way of keeping things real, connecting with the traditions of the past. The grinding stone brings out the best in what we use. It’s a simple act that makes sure the ingredients stay true to themselves, just like nature intended.

Namaste and welcome to Earthroots Ayurveda, a haven for holistic well-being nestled in the tranquil embrace of Rishikesh, India.
